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University Lecturer/Assistant Professor in Electrical & Electronics Engineering for more than 8 years. (PhD from the University of Edinburgh).

As an experienced lecturer, I recognize that each student learns in a different way.

I am always keen to learn and I like to share my knowledge (e.g. teaching) with others. I have always been fascinated by mathematics, engineering, and physics.

I have begun tutoring and coaching my classmates from high school (mostly in mathematics and physics). In addition, tutoring has been an enjoyable part of all my degrees (bachelor, master, and PhD).

Then, I decided to work as a Lecturer at universities to combine research and teaching. Discovering new things (and sharing the joy of their application) through research and teaching.

Tutoring Experience

Throughout my career, I have been a lecturer (assistant professor) for more than 8 years and a postdoctoral researcher for about 3 years at the top-ranked UK and international universities.

The areas I have worked on include telecommunication systems, wireless communications (from 2G to 5G and 6G), RADAR systems, and a wide range of applications for signal processing, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning such as Autonomous Robots and Autonomous Vehicles.

My teaching experience includes the following courses (modules) and topics:
- Signals and Systems (UG): Analog and Digital Signals, LTI systems (Linear Time Invariant),
- Analog to Digital Conversion, Nyquist Sampling Theorem
- Laplace Transform, Z-Transform, Fourier Series and Transform, and the relationship between these domains
- Engineering Mathematics (UG): Partial Differential Equations, Complex Numbers and Functions
- Engineering Probability and Statistics (UG)
- Electrical Circuits and Devices (UG): R, C, L and power supplies, Node and Mesh analysis, Thevenan/Northon Equivalent, etc.
- Analog Electronics (UG): Diodes, BJT, FET and MOSFET transistors
- Wireless Communications (PG)
- Stochastic (random) Processes (PG)
- Advanced Digital Communications (PG)
- Special Topics in Communications (Array Processing, MIMO Wireless, and 5G technologies) (PG)

and more.

Tutoring Approach

  • Simply and shortly review the concepts together (me and tutees)
  • Motivating students/pupils and leading them to solve the problems on their own
  • and finally helping them to feel the joy of knowledge
LanguagesEnglish (British), Kurdish, Persian
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


University of Edinburgh2012DoctoratePhD of Signal Processing and Communication Systems

Reza's Feedback

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Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 3 references


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