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What separates me from other tutors is that I will make tutoring enjoyable for pupils. They will feel at ease knowing they have a tutor who not only understands how their brain thinks and how to relate to them, but also a tutor who has experience in tutoring children towards passing their GCSE Maths.

Tutoring Experience

I have been private tutoring for about 4 years now and have tutored over 100 different pupils with a 100% success rate in helping them achieve a grade 4/5 and above in their GCSE Mathematics exam.
QTS Qualified Teacher In Mathematics
PGCE Secondary Mathematics
Bsc First Class Degree In Mathematics
3 Years Teaching and 4 years Private Tutoring Experience.

Tutoring Approach

I focus on ensuring that students understand the work they are completing rather than just copying down a method. This better prepares them for higher GCSE exams which are heavily problem solving based. I break down each topic so students understand completely where the numbers come from and what they need to do and also why they need to do it. Using different explanations will help your child learn better due to every child's brain being different and needing tailored explanations and tutoring to ensure that they excel.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


Birmingham City University2019PGCEPGCE Secondary Mathematics
Coventry University2018BachelorsBa Accounting and Finance

Mohammad's Feedback

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Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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