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I am a local boy who has grown up in Coventry, studied in Coventry, and ironically grown educationally and professionally within Coventry. I'm not what you call an ivory tower educated elite student. In my earlier years, I spend many periods of life engaged in many different employment roles some that were skills led, and some that engaged in manual labour tasks.

However, it was only as, I started to mature that I started to see the value of education. It is with this in mind that, I took upon a self reflective journey whereby I delved back into education to improve my quality of life.

Since this plunge, I continued to take my knowledge base a step further, and have gained further higher educational qualifications. It is with this in mind that, I have finally achieved my goal of becoming a lecturer.

With my life story still fresh in my mind, I want students to understand and appreciate the value of education. I have always wanted to teach, and education has given me the skills and abilities to do this.

Just, as I have gained, I want others to gain from their educational journey, and I would find it a pleasure to help them to achieve their educational goals, and successes.

Tutoring Experience

My area of specialisation is Sociology, Criminology, Health and Social Care and Research Methodology, I have some fifteen years of teaching experience 'under my belt', and I'm well aware of the different syllabuses and accrediting bodies, and the criteria they hold in order to gain high grades. Over these fifteen years, I have acquired this teaching experience in a variety of different educational environments such as secondary education, FE, and the HE environment.

Over the past six years, I have been offering a tutoring service, and I have come to recognise that whilst you maybe teaching in accordance to a syllabus outline, or curriculum design the value of personalised tutoring is to ensure that the student directs and leads on their learning. So therefore, this experience has helped me to recognise that students need to be directly involved in the learning journey, and a tutor is there to support, guide, assist and ground learning. For me tutoring is a two -way approach of learning, and the student should be at the centre of this drive.

However, since 2020 due to COVID, I stopped tutoring due to the well-being of my learners. In 2022, I started my PG Cert (AMBDA) specialising in tutoring and assessing students with SpLD Dyslexia. So after, a three year absence and with this further qualification, skills and experience, I'm back to tutor!

Tutoring Approach

However, despite this experience, I have come to recognise that the learner needs to be 'central' in the learning journey. So therefore, tutoring needs to be individualised, central, and learner directed via the learner voice.I feel that the student needs to be central in their learning journey. So the tutoring experience needs to be geared to the strengths of the learner, and the tutor needs to be able to deliver learning for student growth.

I have been tutoring for the past seven years, and I have always ensured that my tutees get a personalised learning experience and to date this has grounded a high success rate!

LanguagesEnglish (British), Punjabi
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Warwick University2011PGCEPGCE (Secondary Education)
Coventry University1999BachelorsBA (Hons) Sociology.
Leicester Unversity2002MastersMSc - Criminology.
Edgehill University2022ProfessionalAMBDA Dyslexia Tutor/ Assessor

Sukhdev's Feedback

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Rating from 2 references


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