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Online Tuition for Health / Social Care

I believe my own educational experience as a student and teacher has given me not only a passion for education, but the ability to relate to students' anxieties or lack of confidence academically. This experience has enabled me to not only relate and develop a rapport with students, but to motivate, encourage and empower them academically on their own journey to success.

Tutoring Experience

I have 15 years of teaching experience teaching BTEC health and social care mainly at level 3 and 2.

Tutoring Approach

I have high expectations, as a teacher/tutor and help students and encourage them to achieve their academic goals. I do this is by getting students to understand key assessment/criteria words and concepts. In combination with this, I get students to read and highlight key words and instructions in their assignments to develop skills of reading, comprehension, analysis and summarisation. I encourage students and give feedback to clarify any difficulties or misunderstanding they may have before commencing their assignment task. I feel these methods allow students to grow in academic confidence and independence, allowing them to take ownership of their successful completion and academic grade. Quality of assessment is important in the performance of students to help them develop academically. Students like to be given thorough feedback on their performance so they can know what skills they are good at or what needs to be developed further.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


Institute of Education1999PGCEPostgraduate Certificate in Education
Goldsmith College 1998BachelorsBA Degree in Sociology
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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