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My name is David. I am experienced at tutoring maths to GCSE and A level.
I am not a clock watcher so you’ll always get value for money.

Tutoring Experience

I have been tutoring for 10 years since completing a degree and masters in maths at the university of Manchester. My experience has been a wide range from those more confident students to those looking for help to try and build on their confidence.

I would be happy to provide you with some references if you think you would be interested in lessons.

Tutoring Approach

I often find that the main thing to get right when tutoring is to find a suitable pace for the student which is testing but not too fast for them. It’s always better to understand a few things fully and build on that understanding than to try and do too much too quickly.

When students find maths difficult it is more often than not that they have missed a small amount of understanding along the way that has made the next few steps difficult. The first thing I generally try to do is to go back to easier questions to confirm where the student is more or less confident and patch up any gaps in understanding. This makes it much easier for us to progress forward with more demanding questions.

After this I try to relate difficult questions back to easier examples we're seen. This makes those tricky questions a lot less intimidating.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


university of manchester2010MastersMmath(combined bsc and masters)

David's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
Casual Learner£45£36
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