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Currently, I am a computational scientist working in Cambridge. I am also a maths supervisor at one of the Cambridge University colleges. I enjoy teaching and have extensive experience doing so (see below).

I obtained my Ph.D. (2011) and undergraduate masters (2006, obtaining a solid 1st at 82% overall) at the University of Warwick. I studied Mathematics, Statistics, Economics and Operational Research as an undergraduate and specialised in Probability Theory as a Ph.D. student.

Tutoring Experience

MATHS. I have 20 years of experience tutoring and teaching at the university level (Cambridge University supervisions, support classes, drop-in sessions and computer-based classes for numerous courses ranging from Statistics and Probability Theory to Mathematical computing at the University of Warwick) as well as tutoring privately. Students I have taught range from GCSE and A-level pupils to undergraduates, masters and PhD students in some of UK's top universities (Cambridge, Warwick, Manchester, Nottingham, etc.).

I also have extensive experience in marking exams, tests and assignments and giving helpful feedback and criticism on written work.

My specialties are:
- probability
- statistics/machine learning
- stastistical/scientific programming (R) (see below)
- financial mathematics (Ito's formula, SDEs, etc).

R. I am an expert R user with more than 5 years of coding experience (daily usage). I am proficient in both data analysis and visualisation using R's various statistical and machine learning packages as well as writing my own code from scratch.

RUSSIAN. I have more than 6 years of experience in tutoring Russian on a one to one basis (children and adults).

Tutoring Approach

MATHS. I am a strong believer in 'learning by doing'. Mathematical concepts can at times be a little bit overwhelming and hard to decipher. So it really helps to look at simple examples first. Once you've worked through them, you can try and understand the concept in its greater generality. This simple principle is perfectly applicable to learning mathematics at any level -- from GCSE to university.

RUSSIAN. I am a native speaker with experience teaching the language on a one to one basis. Content of lessons depends on your requirements. Please get in touch to discuss your needs.

LanguagesEnglish (British), French, German
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of Warwick2011DoctorateMathematics
University of Warwick2006BachelorsMathematics and Statistics (1st class Honours)
Queen Anne's School, Reading2002School4 subjects at A,A,A,B

Nastasiya's Feedback

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