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Congleton Computer Studies / I.T. Tutor

I am 43 years old and have master's degree in Thermal and Nuclear Power Engineering with more than 20 years of professional experience. Although my degree is in engineering, my career path took me into the field of computer technology and data processing. I have been involved in various phases of software development including planning, coding and testing. So if you are looking for a tutor with a hands-on real world experience, I may be the right choice for you.
I'm happy to cover the generic computer science theory plus practical coding exercises in HTML. Python, JavaScript, etc. I'm also happy to teach databases such as MS Access, SQL and MySQL

Tutoring Experience

While working for the nuclear industry I gained extensive experience in preparing and leading various training courses to engineering staff. The topics of my teaching were usually related to software implementation, processes simulation and risk analysis.
Additionally, I keep helping my teenage children with their STEM related subjects at GCSE and A-level.

Tutoring Approach

I'm a strong believer in the student-centred learning approach. As such I always try to encourage my students to take an active role in the process, rather than just listening to a lecture or solving a problem. There will have lots of discussions on the particular topic and they’ll also be encouraged to ask questions in order to get a better understanding of the matter.
In more practical terms, the lessons will usually begin with a few quick assessment questions in order for me to build the most effective strategy for the student's progress and to avoid spending too much time on topics that they already know well.

LanguagesBulgarian, English (British), Russian
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Technical University of Sofia2002MastersEngineering
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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