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I am passionate about teaching. I believe the key to learning a language is to understand what you need to use it for and how this might affect how you might express yourself. I also believe that learning should be a collaborative process and fun.

Tutoring Experience

Currently, I teach ESOL part-time for Adult Learning Wales. Many of my current learners have been thrown into a situation by the War in Ukraine, where they need to learn English in order to use their many skills in their new (if temporary) life. In the past, I have taught people from many different countries and backgrounds through classes provided by Further Education Colleges. I have taught several different exam boards including City and Guilds at Entry Level 2-L2. I am a native speaker.

Tutoring Approach

My approach is to teach functional English. Of course there are lessons in grammar that need to be covered and I am qualified to a degree level to teach my subject. The lesson topics however will be driven by my students need to communicate in terms of homelife and work life.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of Winchester2006ProfessionalL5 Diploma for Teaching in Life Long Learning Sector with QLTS
IFL2012QTSQLTS Certification
Trinity College2007OtherLevel 4 TESOL Certificate
Rating from 2 references


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