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English and Special Needs Tutoring in Edgware

As a Specialist Dyslexia Teacher and Assessor, I understand the need for tutors and assessors that can provide a fun and exciting way to help individuals reach their greatest potential. It is important for an individual to be aware of their strengths and weaknesses so that moving forward they can use their strengths to support their weaknesses.

I personally understand how challenging it can be to learn in mainstream education as a neurodivergent person, your brain absorbs information in a completely unique way making it difficult to fit into standard school lessons and tests. Therefore, it is essential that one is given appropriate support to embrace how they learn best so that their experience and perception of education is positive.

Tutoring Experience

I have been teaching students with SpLd since 2018. I started off as a Learning Support Assessment during my undergraduate degree and this is when I decided to go on the journey of becoming a Specialist Dyslexia Tutor and Assessor. I mainly work with dyslexic students but as we know there are many co-morbid Specific learning difficulty which has led me to work with students with both dyslexia and autism or dyslexia and speech and language difficulties. I know work with a range of students from primary through to university.

Tutoring Approach

I used a range of fun game and activities to teach and reinforce a wide variety of strategies and techniques.
For those in Primary Education lessons will consist of areas including spelling, handwriting, reading, reading comprehension and creative writing
For those in Higher/Further Education, lessons will consist of study skills including organisation, exam revision techniques, essay planning and writing.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File


St. Mary’s University Twickenham2019BachelorsPsychology with Business Management
Dyslexia Action (Middlesex University)2020ProfessionalLevel 7 Specialist Dyslexia Tutor and Assessor
Rating from 2 references


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