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Maths and English Lessons in Tower Hamlets

Hi, my name is Anita and I have a passion for teaching and learning science which I'd love to share with others. I've had around 3 years of teaching -two of which is teaching in a secondary school- where I have helped students reach their potential and achieve success in their academic lives.

Tutoring Experience

Facilitated a public speaking module in university as a student module convenor.
Taught combined science in a secondary school in Essex.
Teach First Ambassador

Tutoring Approach

From my experience as a secondary school teacher, it is imperative that there is a set structure to our lessons together. My lessons will follow an" I Do, We Do, You Do" approach to ensure full understanding of topics. Included in that is the chance for independent practise to check you have grasped a topic and can apply knowledge in different scenarios/exam questions.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


Bishop challoner federation of schools2016SchoolGCSE
Harris Westminster2018CollegeA level
University of Nottingham2021BachelorsBachelors of science
Rating from 2 references


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